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How-To Promote a Loving Environment

Promoting a loving environment takes effort and planning. Personally, I have to make a conscious choice to practice giving people love every day. After I brainstormed ideas for this article, I thought to myself, “When was the last time I did any of these things (especially for my husband)?” Haha, the answer makes me quite a hypocrite so that evening I took action.

I told my husband how much it helps me that he wakes up early with the baby every day (his love language is words of affirmation). Then I told him I would love to give him an uninterrupted meal to himself as a thank you. He hesitated at first and after some encouragement, I took the kids to the park while he enjoyed an hour and a half alone to eat and relax. He was refreshed and in a great mood when we came home. It set a calm and loving tone in our home for the rest of the night.

I believe a loving atmosphere can be cultivated using the “3-A’s” which are Appreciation, Admiration, and Affection. Below are some examples you can use on children and adults. Included are ideas to give appreciation, admiration, and affection using “The 5 Love Languages”.

If you have not read it yet, you can get it on Amazon. This book is great for learning how to connect to the people you love. First identify your child's or partner's love language then give appreciation, admiration, and affection in their preferred language.

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