Hi! I am Jessica Aquino, mother of two Filipino-Norwegian-American boys. After becoming a parent I realized how hard this important work really is. I became desperate for a mentor, someone to show me the way. I immersed myself into respectful parenting and began training myself how to do this seemingly impossible thing.
Let me help you walk the conscious path forged by amazing educators like Magda Gerber (RIE), Dr. Emmi Pikler, Janet Lansbury, Loris Malaguzzi (Reggio Emilia), Robin Einzig (Visible Child), and so many who have gone before me to inspire and uplift us.
We have to take classes to drive a car, teach in a classroom, and provide healthcare. There are even required courses to work at Burger King! Why do we trust the most important and sacred job humanity will ever embark on to "doing our best" and "use your intuition"?! The truth is, we all need knowledge, and support when implementing respectful childcare practices.
Let me be your mentor, subscribe below.